Living in the city we are bombarded by choices, which lane to get in to cut 4 minutes off the commute time, which organic tomato sauce is best, is cheapest, is tastiest, which brand of toothpaste, with or with out fluoride? On and on the list goes from the simplest choices to the most difficult. Everyone knows how involved life has gotten. Research continues to show us that stresses, good and not so good, add up and cause dis-harmony and dis-ease. We are a nation out of balance, weighing too heavily on productivity and too lightly on being. Back in the day of rotary phones, remember those big, black, heavy phones with the holes in a circle? Probably not if you are under 40, but back in the day dialing someone on the phone required that you stood still and dial each number and allow the dial to return to the starting position. If you made a mistake you had to hang up and start all over. I had the opportunity to play with an old rotary phone the other day at Pam, my business partner's, house. Slowly and with effort I dialed my home number. I was stunned at the low level of frustration, and high level of humor that arose in me while doing this. That said, in the time it took me to dial my home number I had a chance to breathe, laugh and relax. We rarely get those chances built into our days anymore, we are on the go, connected to cell phones, computers, kindles, i-pads, etc. and always processing more information.
But there are ways to navigate the insane pace of life in the city and to support shifting the scales towards more harmony and health. This blog is about just that, ideas, information and inspirations to help make our personal world easier, healthier and more fun to BE in.
Right now while reading this, hopefully NOT while you are driving, STOP, feel your feet on the ground, and take an easy breath in through your nose and out through you mouth. See if you can include a little sigh, a letting go just in this moment. Now see if you can practice just that little thing a few times a day. Maybe while you are fixing your hair, sitting on the toilet, standing in line at the market. Try it I dare you! Sometimes we have to make choices that support us slowing down even for a moment.